
The psychology and ministry to & of Multi-Ethnic Peoples.

In a book without the word "covenant" how does Habakkuk evoke covenant?

Pt 1 chpt 2: Role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism

Want to learn / preserve your biblical languages? Use them in your daily devotions!

How does preaching differ in various contexts? 


Forthcoming Works

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Articles and Presented Papers

Biblical Theology of Habakkuk 2:4

Whose faithfulness leads to salvation? 

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Davidic Covenant as an Interpretational Key

David was promised three things which are echoed throughout the remainder of Scripture: Heir, Temple, Kingdom

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Interpreting Faith in the Reformation

The interpretation of Scripture was the main argument in the reformation. "Faith" is one of the interpretation topics.

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Roman Catholic View of Salvation

Undergrad Thesis: What does the current Roman Catholic church teach concerning faith salvation?

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The Church of Scotland the forgotten influence.

How did the church of Scotland impact the American church?

(Read the Paper)

Reading for Students to Learn

We learned when our parents read to us, so why not read Greek and Hebrew to believers?

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Yahweh Vs Marduk: An apologetic for the Cyrus Cylinder. 

(Gen Y Apologetics Conference 2021)

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Minority Reading of the Good Samaritan Parable. 

(presented at ETS Nationals 2021, AAR 2021)

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